Cryptocurrency Asset Management
If you manage crypto assets as an independent portfolio manager, trustee or a corporation, FINMA prudential supervision applies to you from year 2020. Moreover, depending on the way you organize your business operations, you must be affiliated with a Self-regulatory organisation (SRO).
Wide range of cryptocurrency management institutions are subject to the new financial legislation that enterred into force in 2020. Managers of collective assets, fund management companies, representatives of foreign collective investment schemes, custodian banks and Swiss collective investment schemes are subject to the Collective Investment Schemes Act and Financial Institutions Act. Since 1st of January 2020, independent portfolio managers and trustees also become subject to prudential supervision. In order to carry out their business, they have to obtain a license from FINMA and must become a member of a Self-regulatory organisation.
Our firm will assist you in:
Obtaining FINMA authorisation.
Affiliation with a Self-regulatory organisation.
Company incorporation.
- Bank account opening.
Setting up your corporate structure and internal regulations.
Example cases we have worked on for cryptocurrency holders and managers:
Legalising of a Melon Port type crypto asset management fund.
Setting up a corporate structure and obtaining authorizations for a crypto wealth management corporation.
Assistance of a financial intermediary active in cryptocurrency trading for its affiliation with a supervisory organization.